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Chris Deacon
VerSan Consulting
Truth | Health

Christin Deacon
Jun 28, 20244 min read
Cut Healthcare Costs, Save Retirement Dreams
If employers were able to better manage their healthcare spending and funnel just some of those savings back to employees through...

Christin Deacon
May 28, 20244 min read
OIG Finds Massive Waste in FEHBP, Again.... (and again)....
In not so shocking news, a recent audit by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the American Postal Workers Union Health Plan’s...

Christin Deacon
May 20, 20243 min read
Marshall Allen: A Boulder in the Ocean
There is a poem speaks to the power of every life, every gesture, every tear that falls… every pebble in the water. While the pebble in...
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